You’ll never win the fight with someone who only lives in his reality.
By now, you’ve probably seen the photo above with a variety of captions and text overlays.
For anyone unfamiliar with the Bed Bath & Beyond brand, it is an American big box store specializing in home textiles, housewares, decorative home accessories, and specialty items.
Furthermore, ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ is the legal burden of proof required to confirm a conviction in a criminal case.
Put them together (against an appropriate backdrop), and you get the hilarious meme above.
It caused me to laugh uproariously the first time I saw it…
…and it continues to bring a smile to my face (albeit a sad one.)
It’s hard to describe what it feels like to be a 62-year-old American living through the nightmare of the past seven years. I grew up in a country that, despite its failings, continued to strive for the inalienable right of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all citizens. Our leaders and representatives were, for the most part, honest and believed in the rule of law. Were there corrupt people who broke the rules? Of course, but they were outliers, and their colleagues and political party took a public stand against them. (Remember Watergate?)
When Trump announced his candidacy for the highest office in the land, I figured it was some type of publicity stunt. He couldn’t successfully run his own life or businesses, let alone a country. (See the link below.)
But, this man-baby who was born with a silver spoon and instilled with an over-inflated ego surprised us all. Or rather, those who voted for and support him to this day are what surprises me most.
At first, I thought they were just stupid for buying into his obvious B.S. But I soon learned there are individuals who believe in crazy conspiracy theories and want to change our way of governing and living. And not in a good way.
The really bad news is that the entire Republican Party (with a few exceptions) is afraid to stand up against this would-be dictator and his followers for fear of losing votes.
When Trump lost his reelection bid, I celebrated…big time. Finally, we could get back to common sense and decency. I stopped watching the news and limited social media. It felt so good not to constantly worry about what might happen next. I slept better, and the anxiety diminished.
But it didn’t last long.
Trump’s propaganda about a stolen election and the ensuing insurrection in our capital triggered the worry all over again. In addition, the various investigations into his alleged crimes and his announcement of another run for the presidency were the icings on the proverbial cake.
I’ve always believed that you can’t buy class. I personally know wealthy people who are self-absorbed boors, unaware of their ridiculous sense of entitlement. But Trump is the king.
His disdain for the lives of enlisted people and those working in the Intelligence sector of the government is on full display in the photo above. To store classified documents that could compromise national security (and that of our allies) in an easily-accessible bathroom speaks volumes about who he is.
And his supporters? Ditto.

For the record, I also don’t think a garage is appropriate, nor do I believe private email servers should ever be used for government business. I refuse to be a blind cheerleader for any politician, whether I voted for them or not. If they break the rules, they need to face the consequences.
However, the MAGA party ‘believes’ Trump isn’t capable of doing anything wrong. But we’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Why aren’t his followers willing to admit it? This long list of his failed businesses is proof positive, yet they continue to give him a pass.
Every person concerned about the growing threat of Fascism should read the Trump Indictment. It’s written for the layperson and not buried in legalese, which I’m assuming was done on purpose. It’s important not only for Americans but our friends and allied countries abroad because fascism has a tendency to spread like cancer. (They called it a World War for a reason.)
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
I never thought it could happen here. However, given the right circumstances and an apathetic electorate, it can occur anywhere. It took a long time to take shape, but this lean into authoritarianism and nationalism is happening around the world. And it’s not the first time.
It’s easier not to think about it and hope good people rise to the occasion. But every single good person is needed to take an active role in their own future and those of their countrymen. Because we have to be vigilant or suffer the consequences.
For an easy understanding of fascism, see the 6/15 post from
He is an American professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator. He worked in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and served as Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 in the cabinet of President Bill Clinton.Also, the 6/14 post from
is an excellent summary of how the Republican Party is failing America. She is an American psychologist and author, as well as the niece of former president Donald Trump. She’s been critical of him as well as the rest of the Trump family. I thoroughly enjoyed her book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man and found it quite insightful. Some folks say she’s got an axe to grind. Read the book, and you’ll understand why.WHAT DO YOU THINK?
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I have read Mary’s book and found it most insightful. She provides information that helps explain the underlying foundation that bring us to today.
My heart breaks for thinking Americans. My concern is manifest for my own country because Australia seems unable to fart without checking that the USA will pat its hand. I think Trump is a cartoon, as was Boris Johnson and our own former Trump ally, former PM Scott Morrison. Scomo and Boris are gone, it's my dearest hope Trump will follow. But then Joe Biden, nice person that he is, may just be a touch too old now for the hideous challenge coming his way.