Well, THAT didn’t take long.
My enthusiasm for the annual ‘fresh start’ usually takes slightly longer to dwindle than only a month.
What happened?
My daughter came back with me when I returned from the Christmas holiday with my family. Working a hybrid schedule of in-office and remote, she decided to take some additional vacation days and stayed for two weeks.
One of our favorite pastimes is eating out. Sure, I cook some of her favorite dishes from childhood, but there are a few restaurants that we love to visit. And… we. hit. them. all.
I realize that one can eat wisely regarding calories, but we enjoy a bottle of wine with our chicken francaise and margaritas with the quesadillas. Or, if it’s burgers, pizza, or buffalo wings, there’s nothing like a frosty mug of Stella Artois!
Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits. ~Author unknown
Another favorite activity is watching TV in the evenings. We like documentaries, dramas, and comedies. But regardless of what we’re watching, we always want to snack on something (and I’m not talking carrot sticks.) It’s usually a bowl of ice cream, popcorn, or chips and dip.
Walking in the local park is something else we appreciate doing together. The fresh air and exercise are invigorating and allow for great conversations without distractions. Unfortunately, the weather is either rainy and/or snowy this time of year. The below-freezing temps make walking risky (the last thing I need is a broken bone, so we didn’t walk at all.)
I bought a used treadmill a year ago with the intention of using it during the winter month…I’d have no excuse not to walk! Until my left foot started hurting again. It’s not plantar fasciitis this time; that shows up in the heel. This ache is in the ball of my foot, which initially caused metatarsalgia. Then I noticed a separation between the second and third toes. A quick Google search informed me that I have a plantar plate tear.
Therefore, I’m currently trying an at-home remedy that involves taping the affected toes, using a metatarsal pad, and staying off my feet (the easiest of the three, of course!) I also invested in a pair of shoes with rocker soles. They cost more money than all the shoes I’ve owned in my life. That’s an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Hopefully, I won’t have to see a podiatrist.
Now that I’ve educated you on foot problems, we’ll move on. : )
My plan was to stretch each morning, followed by some brief exercises targeting arms, legs, and the midsection (which blossomed when menopause hit.) I think that doing this routine four days out of seven would eventually show some results.
So, how many days have I done this? Zero.
I also wanted to cut back on carbs, which hasn’t happened yet (sigh). Notice I said yet. There’s still time…
Another goal was to start journaling; I even posted about that. I opted for the ‘Morning Pages’ option but have only managed several mornings.
But, alas…not all is lost. There ARE a couple of things I’ve managed to accomplish:
Cut Back on Social Media - I used to start and end my day scrolling, not to mention all the many times I’d check it throughout the day. No more! I’ve done well with this one, only scrolling a few times throughout the day and limiting the number of minutes I spend on it.
Cut Back on News - I became a news junkie in 2016 when the US elected someone unthinkable as our President. For the first time in my life, I went to bed every night worried about what headlines I’d wake up to. I felt compelled to keep a constant vigil on what was happening (similar to monitoring small children and refusing to turn your back for a minute, fearful of what might happen.) I stopped the habit and check current news twice a day, morning and evening, limiting it to roughly ten to fifteen minutes.
I do feel less stressed and am certain that’s attributable to these changes!
Despite not making progress with the other goals, I’m going to take the simple advice I often give others:
Start over again.
All is not lost simply because we skipped the treadmill or ate a candy bar. Despite societal pressures to look and do better, we must continually remind ourselves that we’re human. And being human means we’ll mess up from time to time.
That’s okay…each day affords another opportunity to begin anew. We must pick ourselves up, do some positive self-talk, and get back in the game.
Because in the words of a woman who faced an extreme amount of adversity but refused to give up:
Thanks for reading!
If your own resolutions haven’t gone as planned, don’t beat yourself up. That’s the worst thing you can do. Just recommit and choose a day that works best to start again (even if that’s not tomorrow!)
The only resolution that I accomplished and stuck to occurred in 2012. I finally gave up (for good) an on-again, off-again smoking habit acquired in my youth. What made me quit? It wasn’t a patch or a pill (although those do work for some people.) For me, it took getting to a place where I liked myself again.
“In a lifetime of resolutions, was there one that you accomplished in perpetuity?”
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One day at a time. Put two together, then add a third and you’re on your way. Don’t get discouraged or give up if you miss a day or two. Start over one day at a time. I’ve been working out for more years than I can remember. The key for me was finding something I liked doing. That’s what started me on my lifestyle change.
I think many of us (myself included, of course) get off to a rocky start when it comes to self-improvement goals. The important thing, though, is that you keep trying and it sounds like you are.
Keep it up! :)