Every time I hear of another mass shooting in the US I thank my lucky stars that I don’t live there. It is inconceivable to me that some politicians can sit by and do nothing about the gun laws. In my opinion it is and until something concrete is done, a stain on the US. it’s shameful.
So many of our 'representatives' are bought & paid for by the gun lobby, big business, etc.
I'm incredibly discouraged. It'll take a Herculean effort on the part of ALL decent Americans to correct what's going wrong here. I hope they're willing to get more involved and vote accordingly!
As someone living in another country, it would be fair to say that as more and more children and young adults are killed because of a perverse piece of legislation, we all shake our heads in horror.
I inadvertently (because I wouldn't have watched it otherwise) saw the police-cam footage on the news and felt violently ill.
How does the USA dare to call itself the moral arbiter in the world of international relations when this happens? It needs to rethink its brand.
Your post is filled with strength and I applaud your decision to become active. But I guess it will take more than words - the bulk of sane America needs to rise up big time. Awful thought but what else will it take?
My heart goes out to every single parent and grandparent and to every child who has to wrestle with terror every day they go to school. And my support is behind you as you look to find a voice in what appears to be a moral wilderness. Take care, please...
Prior to this latest massacre, I've largely stayed away from the news. However, I made the mistake of looking at the video you mention, in addition to the one showing the shooter moving through the school. It was terrifying. I didn't sleep well Monday evening and I know that's why.
I feel guilty admitting that I'd like to gather up my entire family and relocate to another country. I have to think more like a soldier on the battlefield. I'm just so discouraged.
Don’t worry about writing about your cat last time. Today you have eloquently and with justifiable anger stated what is in your heart. No one seems to be able to make a change. The Israelis marched until their government retracted. Many states have banned abortions but it’s ok to shoot children in schools. Travesty.
Sadly, there are many greedy hypocrites in powerful, wealthy positions (government and business), but there are many more ill-informed people who vote against their own interests.
I am 84 years old and have seen a lot over the years. Just when I think I've seen it all, we seem to hit a new low. The United States of today is not the country I knew and loved in earlier years. My question isn't so much how did this happen as it is how can we mend it - or can we.
I agree and feel so guilty for wanting to throw in the towel. It's a kind of emotional exhaustion from all the killing and the fact that so many legislators (not all) are willing to do nothing in order to keep their donors happy. Can this attitude of 'me over we' ever be repaired? I have serious doubts. :(
Every time I hear of another mass shooting in the US I thank my lucky stars that I don’t live there. It is inconceivable to me that some politicians can sit by and do nothing about the gun laws. In my opinion it is and until something concrete is done, a stain on the US. it’s shameful.
Money IS the root of all evil.
So many of our 'representatives' are bought & paid for by the gun lobby, big business, etc.
I'm incredibly discouraged. It'll take a Herculean effort on the part of ALL decent Americans to correct what's going wrong here. I hope they're willing to get more involved and vote accordingly!
As someone living in another country, it would be fair to say that as more and more children and young adults are killed because of a perverse piece of legislation, we all shake our heads in horror.
I inadvertently (because I wouldn't have watched it otherwise) saw the police-cam footage on the news and felt violently ill.
How does the USA dare to call itself the moral arbiter in the world of international relations when this happens? It needs to rethink its brand.
Your post is filled with strength and I applaud your decision to become active. But I guess it will take more than words - the bulk of sane America needs to rise up big time. Awful thought but what else will it take?
My heart goes out to every single parent and grandparent and to every child who has to wrestle with terror every day they go to school. And my support is behind you as you look to find a voice in what appears to be a moral wilderness. Take care, please...
Prior to this latest massacre, I've largely stayed away from the news. However, I made the mistake of looking at the video you mention, in addition to the one showing the shooter moving through the school. It was terrifying. I didn't sleep well Monday evening and I know that's why.
I feel guilty admitting that I'd like to gather up my entire family and relocate to another country. I have to think more like a soldier on the battlefield. I'm just so discouraged.
Don’t worry about writing about your cat last time. Today you have eloquently and with justifiable anger stated what is in your heart. No one seems to be able to make a change. The Israelis marched until their government retracted. Many states have banned abortions but it’s ok to shoot children in schools. Travesty.
Sadly, there are many greedy hypocrites in powerful, wealthy positions (government and business), but there are many more ill-informed people who vote against their own interests.
I am 84 years old and have seen a lot over the years. Just when I think I've seen it all, we seem to hit a new low. The United States of today is not the country I knew and loved in earlier years. My question isn't so much how did this happen as it is how can we mend it - or can we.
I agree and feel so guilty for wanting to throw in the towel. It's a kind of emotional exhaustion from all the killing and the fact that so many legislators (not all) are willing to do nothing in order to keep their donors happy. Can this attitude of 'me over we' ever be repaired? I have serious doubts. :(
Unfortunately, I agree about the serious doubts and it weighs heavy, but I also have no answers.