Loved the story of your dad on the day of your birth. Had a good giggle!

At 71, my days are never dull, I seem to be busy doing very ordinary things , but life's more complete than I've ever known it. I watch my kids between 38-43 and I know they envy husband and self for our life.

I wish they'd believe us when we say that we were as rushed and pressured when we were their age, but I suspect they might think that life was easier back in the day.

Ah, it's all relative, I guess.

Happy days and happy birthday for next week!

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I loved this, Ms. Writer! Happy birthday for the end of the month! I'm going to be entering my fifth decade next birthday, and am already bracing myself for what I'm going to be writing at the time...! 🤣

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This was a great read.

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Love this. I’ve been playing around writing something about then and now. Great minds and all that. Lol

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Well, there's certainly a lot of material with the 'then and now' theme. Thanks for reading!

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