Great post.

I find it deeply disconcerting that people will chuck no end of rubbish out of their vehicle 'to keep the car tidy'. 🙄

I have never dropped litter in my life. I STILL feel guilty for a sweet paper blowing out of my pocket one day when I pulled out my hankie. It was a windy day and it blew straight into a river, with no way of getting it back. It was over 35 years ago and I still remember how absolutely dreadful I had felt about it.

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I'm so with you on respect. Respect for humans, animals and the environment.

First World inhabitants these days exhibit an extraordinary amount or entitlement. When former genrations lived a life of respect, kindness and care, a large proportion these days expect freedoms without repsonisbility.

There are parents in the First World who don't give 2 hoots about boundaries and rules so how can the offspring be better than the monsters they are. A friend's daughter and her friend were chased down in the street the other day in broad daylight by two very drunk teenaged girl (13 and 16). My friend's daughter had hanks of her hair ripped out from the scalp and her glasses smashed and the other was pushed into the gutter and bashed. The police were called, the girls were caught but no charges laid because the Youth Justice system is useless.

My friend is at liberty to lay charges but the police told her the family and the culprits are known to the police and they are a retaliative family.

Another very wealthy family have 2 terrible children. The 16 year old stole his grandfather's car, took it into the country and did burnouts and doughnuts and then rolled the car (no seatbelt) and escaped with a broken nose. The father paid a tow truck driver not to tell the police and laughed as he told a friend who is also an acquaintance of ours. Next day he bought a new ute for the grandfather which the 16 year old is allowed to use.

If this is the level pf parental responsibility, what hope?

We could go on, couldn't we? There are many tales. But I just have to have hope that the kids I see at my grandson's school, who are mostly all sweet and well brought up children, will go part way to saving the world from the likes of those other kids. Hope is everything...

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Good grief...I'm so sorry to hear of the attack on the young girls in your acquaintance. It must have been awfully traumatic for them.

It's painful to realize that bullies and moneyed people have so much power (there's many running and funding the US government right now.) Nobody's held accountable anymore in families, business, government, etc. It used to be that bad behavior was considered unacceptable and there were consequences. Not today. When I see and hear these types of stories I ask myself, "Surely there are more decent folks than there are contemptible ones?"

Then I remind myself that children learn what they live. If they're raised by deplorables they'll likley become one themselves. Yes, let's hope the decent and kind children always outnumber the other ones. And maybe by setting a good example they'll inspire some of the malicious kids to change their ways. Once they've grown up it's almost impossible to do.

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I worry for my 5 year old grandson in life, but am rather taken with your word Deplorables. It speaks volumes.

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