Oh, I hear 'ya. This post is directed towards those people who are intolerant of others because of their religion, culture, ethnicity, gender identity issues, etc. I'm trying to practice tolerance for drivers who don't follow the rules of the road and other minor annoyances that don't end with drastic consequences. However, we should never tolerate the hate, violence, and murder that stems from war and political/power conflicts. I should have been more clear about that.
Oh I understood what you meant. It's just tolerance is such an inflammatory word in some arenas... and I'd just finished an article on the Middle East situation which got me riled up. I really shouldn't read any news. My current tolerance threshold is being tested by those who are vaping in public places where I'm forced to breathe in whatever it is they choose to poison themselves with... signs clearly say No Vaping...and are ignored. I just quit my little part time job due to this lack of respect for the rules and other people's health.
Yeah, tolerance is hard to muster under certain circumstances (like anyone over 12 who thinks rules don't apply to them.) People who deliberately put their own self-interests (aka selfish wants) above the rights of others! We see it in society every day. I hate to sound 'old' but I don't remember this being such a problem when I was younger. There were always rulebreakers but they were the exception (unlike today where they've become the norm.) To my mind it's about respect: I respect you and you respect me. It feels like those of us who believe this are no longer a majority and that doesn't bode well for our collective futures. :(
I feel the same way. And yes, we are in the minority. I'm curious to see how it is in Europe. My husband and I are thinking seriously of relocating to Spain. I don't hear people talking about this sort of thing, at least not so far. Rule breaking seems more the norm here in the US... with no repercussions. That really gets me, and now I sound old. :)
I've considered becoming an expatriate, but I couldn't leave my children/grandchildren behind. However, if the circumstances were different I'd be doing some serious research. It breaks my heart to see what's happening in America and to think our relatively young social experiment may not survive.
I'm not leaving anyone behind as long as my husband agrees to this move. I agree with you. It breaks my heart to see what's going on in our country... but I'm not in a position to take on fighting the establishment. If I can't be part of the solution, I certain don't want to be standing by just watching it go down.
Isn’t it interesting that my wedding anniversary was Nov 16. Been married 38 years and that took some tolerance on both sides.
Ahh...marriage. Successful ones do practice a lot of tolerance! Congratulations!
It's difficult to comment on this post. With all the anti-Semitism coming to light, tolerance (for me) is really difficult to swallow. I'm trying.
Oh, I hear 'ya. This post is directed towards those people who are intolerant of others because of their religion, culture, ethnicity, gender identity issues, etc. I'm trying to practice tolerance for drivers who don't follow the rules of the road and other minor annoyances that don't end with drastic consequences. However, we should never tolerate the hate, violence, and murder that stems from war and political/power conflicts. I should have been more clear about that.
Oh I understood what you meant. It's just tolerance is such an inflammatory word in some arenas... and I'd just finished an article on the Middle East situation which got me riled up. I really shouldn't read any news. My current tolerance threshold is being tested by those who are vaping in public places where I'm forced to breathe in whatever it is they choose to poison themselves with... signs clearly say No Vaping...and are ignored. I just quit my little part time job due to this lack of respect for the rules and other people's health.
Yeah, tolerance is hard to muster under certain circumstances (like anyone over 12 who thinks rules don't apply to them.) People who deliberately put their own self-interests (aka selfish wants) above the rights of others! We see it in society every day. I hate to sound 'old' but I don't remember this being such a problem when I was younger. There were always rulebreakers but they were the exception (unlike today where they've become the norm.) To my mind it's about respect: I respect you and you respect me. It feels like those of us who believe this are no longer a majority and that doesn't bode well for our collective futures. :(
I feel the same way. And yes, we are in the minority. I'm curious to see how it is in Europe. My husband and I are thinking seriously of relocating to Spain. I don't hear people talking about this sort of thing, at least not so far. Rule breaking seems more the norm here in the US... with no repercussions. That really gets me, and now I sound old. :)
I've considered becoming an expatriate, but I couldn't leave my children/grandchildren behind. However, if the circumstances were different I'd be doing some serious research. It breaks my heart to see what's happening in America and to think our relatively young social experiment may not survive.
I'm not leaving anyone behind as long as my husband agrees to this move. I agree with you. It breaks my heart to see what's going on in our country... but I'm not in a position to take on fighting the establishment. If I can't be part of the solution, I certain don't want to be standing by just watching it go down.